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Easy Fruit Carving You Have To Try - Issue #42

Easy Fruit Carving You Have To Try - Issue #42
Mini orange and cranberry loaf with white chocolate buttercream icing. Garnished with dried orange slices, praline and fresh rosemary.

Hey there, Food Lovers!

When it comes to food, presentation is the name of the game! It's about taking your everyday meals, baked goodies, or platters and giving them a little makeover to make them look as delightful as they taste. Whether it's the arrangement on the plate, the addition of garnishes, or even the way you cut your food - these simple tweaks can truly make a difference.

Exciting news! We've got a brand new video coming your way next week, showcasing simple sweetcorn fritters and how to take their presentation to the next level. Check out more below.

In this newsletter, there's an article on sprucing up the presentation of some basic orange and cranberry mini loaves. I set myself a challenge, raided the pantry, and even surprised myself with the results.

With rock melon (or cantaloupe, as some might know it) in season and readily available at our local veggie shops, I couldn't resist having a bit of fun with basic fruit carving to create a stunning platter centre piece. There's more about this below too.

Wishing you a fantastic week filled with all things fun and food-related!

In this issue:

  • What’s in the pipeline? - Plating Simple Corn Fritters
  • Inspiration from my kitchen - From Ordinary To Extra-Ordinary
  • Ingredient spotlight - Rock Melon

What's in the Pipeline?

Often, it's not just about what you're cooking, it's about how you present it that truly makes it stand out. You don't have to serve something fancy and expensive to make it look amazing. Simple and affordable food, plated with genuine love and care can look just as amazing.

Corn fritters served café style.

Take these corn fritters, for example. Stacked up with colourful layers, they transform from a humble and economical meal to something you'd expect to find on a café menu. It's a testament to the significance of plating concepts - how you arrange and present a dish can take it to a whole new level.

Stay tuned for our upcoming video next week, where we'll demonstrate how a slight tweak in plating style can transform plain corn fritters into a delightful cafe-worthy menu item. It's a small change that can make a big difference in how your culinary creations are perceived!

Inspiration from my Kitchen - From Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary

Over the weekend, I decided to treat myself with some freshly baked mini orange and cranberry loaves. Instead of diving straight in and enjoying them, I decided to go on a little culinary adventure to elevate their presentation first.

With a little bit of left-over buttercream waiting to be used, my first move was to add some icing. Next, I stumbled upon some dried orange slices from a dessert I made a few weeks back (one of the advantages of garnishes that keep)! These slices were a delightful addition, offering a crispy texture and an intense burst of orange flavour. Digging into my freezer, I unearthed a hidden gem: walnut praline. A quick chop and a sprinkle later, the loaves were already showing promise.

Yet, something was still missing, they were a bit bland and the colours were all quite similar. So I went out to the garden and grabbed a sprig of fresh rosemary, a fragrant touch that significantly enhanced the overall presentation. To top it off, I added a sprinkle of poppy seeds which brought everything together.

Orange and cranberry mini loaf with an added garnish.

I love the chance to explore what I've got on hand and discover how I can up my food presentation game. While it's undoubtedly convenient to grab exactly what you need from the supermarket, there's a unique joy in being spontaneous and seeing what you can create with what's already at your fingertips!

I'd love so see some of your creations, feel free to share them with me :).

Ingredient Spotlight - Rock Melon

Rock Melon (Cantaloupe or Spanspek as it's known in some places) is back in season in New Zealand - Yay! This large, round summer fruit has juicy, orange flesh with small seeds in the centre. It has a grey webbed looking outer skin with a hint of green flesh directly underneath, and it's typically peeled before eating.

Rock melon is a very versatile fruit. It can be enjoyed fresh, incorporated into a salad, or featured in a dessert, this fruit brings a burst of refreshing sweetness. You might also recognize melon pieces wrapped in prosciutto, a familiar sight on antipasto platters or as a delightful appetizer.

Rock melon flower.

This week, I had a bit of fun experimenting with some basic fruit carving, resulting in a beautiful melon flower centre piece for a platter. If you're interested in learning the details of how to create this melon flower, let me know.

Happy cooking,